Let’s get to the (usually) supreme discipline of my annual reviews, the album charts....
Make a delicious spoon brigadeiro without condensed milk! You only need a few ingredients for...
On December 22, 2022, the highest-grossing film of 2022, Top Gun: Maverick from Joseph...
I vaguely remember reading something about Deviliish Dear written by Lariu a few years...
After the commercial and critical success achieved by Knives Out (2019) of Rian Johnsonthe...
There is a summery tip for Christmas Eve. party name: Italo Fundamentalo & Friends...
Make a great jammed cow recipe for your lunch and dinner. It’s easy and simple...
And hey presto, that’s it again for this (music) year – over before you’ve...
A federal judge ruled this week that movie studios can be sued under false...
Last October, it was revealed that Universal Pictures y Amblin Entertainment they find each other...
This post about Liaisons Dangereuses could only be about “Los niños del parque”, the...
Make a cheese fondue in a simple, quick and easy way. It’s a delight!
NEON y Topic Studios the theatrical release of horror science fiction is at hand...
Here is a tip for the pre-Christmas Friday. With full resident power. party name:...
Just over three months before the premiere of the second season of Yellowjackets (premiere...
PCP RADIO SHOW SEASON 2022 – SPECIAL SHOEGAZE VOL. 2 Continuing on the mission...
If you don’t have condensed milk at home and need to make a recipe,...
On the weekend of December 16-18, Disney’s 20th Century Studios released the highly anticipated...
It’s going to be long again in the Distillery – and with a great...
Alice in Borderland, two years and twelve days later, finally lands on Netflix with...
“We imagine a future… and those images horrify us…” The filmmaker’s twelfth feature film...